OPENING COLLECTION is the inaugural curated show at Supples Fine Art’s new Bangkok space, where we celebrate the power and diversity of art.

From the genius of Picasso and the visionary works of Marc Chagall, to Banksy's thought-provoking creations, Kohei Nawa’s mesmerising forms, and Aboudia's raw energy, this exhibition pays homage to the mastery and profound influence of iconic artists.

Each artist featured in this exhibition has played a pivotal role in shaping the art world, spearheading important movements and pushing the boundaries of artistic innovation. Together, their works create a vibrant tapestry that reflects the richness and dynamism of the artistic landscape.

Running from 1st July to 1st August, this exhibition invites you to immerse yourself in a visual journey that transcends time and genres. As you explore the collection, you will witness the extraordinary talent and diverse perspectives that have shaped the course of art history.